Aeration with OxSolve
Supplemental Aeration for Improved Aeration Basin Performance
OxSolve is a patented oxygen technology that improves energy efficiency
Reduce energy and improve efficiency with OxSolve
Supplemental aeration improves aeration basin performance by maintaining proper DO (dissolved oxygen) in wastewater treatment is crucial to proper performance. Inadequate DO does not allow effective nitrification and potentially leads to a sluggish, odorous process. This typically results in odor and high nitrogen and TSS levels in the effluent. If your facility is not providing sufficient DO you may be struggling to meet effluent requirements.
Low DO issues are typically addressed by increasing aeration output. Aeration output happens by the addition of mechanical aerators, increasing aerator power, additional diffusers, and increasing blower output. These methods are typically very costly and require system downtime which stresses the remaining components that are in service.
Existing systems depend on diffused and mechanical aeration to maintain proper DO. The OxSolve process delivers “dissolved oxygen” to supplement the existing mechanical system. The OxSolve system utilizes a pure oxygen source that applies directly to the low DO area via applicators to address the DO.